For those seeking treatments at an aesthetic clinic, there’s an additional aspect to take into consideration: Is the clinic CQC regulated? This blog article outlines the advantages from our perspective at Rejuvenating Solutions.
CQC Regulation
CQC Regulation signifies a clinic’s commitment to upholding the highest standards, from ensuring patient safety and dignity to fostering innovation and maintaining transparency. Patients are guaranteed high-quality care in a secure setting, while clinics are consistently encouraged to achieve and surpass these established criteria.
High Standards
Patients can confidently expect certain foundational standards from their aesthetic clinic, like receiving tailored care in a sanitary setting and being accorded respect. This is the baseline expectation for anyone visiting a CQC-regulated clinic.
Safety and Excellence in Care
Clinics accredited by the CQC are obligated to offer safe, efficient, compassionate, and top-tier care – the trademarks of a distinguished aesthetic clinic.
Ongoing Oversight
Facilities accredited by the CQC are continually monitored to maintain the stipulated standards. Specialists in the respective domain conduct CQC’s inspections. This might encompass unexpected inspections.
Accountability and Responsibility
Clinics under CQC’s purview are held accountable, ensuring they stick to standards and implement corrective actions when necessary.
Consent Before Treatment
Regulation 11 by the CQC mandates acquiring a patient’s consent prior to any care or treatment. Details about the proposed treatment must be presented comprehensibly without any undue pressure. Clarity for patients is one of the key components of CQC regulation.
Informed Choices
The CQC offers straightforward ratings to aid potential patients in selecting an appropriate clinic. Clinics are evaluated based on:
- Are they effective?
- Are they caring?
- Are they safe?
- Are they responsive to individual needs?
- Are they adeptly managed?
Prompt Feedback Mechanism
The CQC has an efficient system to address and act upon grievances promptly. They actively solicit and value feedback from the public in their regulatory role. The CQC welcomes both positive and negative feedback, as do we at Rejuvenating Solutions.
Collaborative Efforts
The CQC collaborates with national bodies like NHS England and NHS Improvement to enhance patient outcomes in many avenues.
Inspection outcomes are accessible to the public via reports on the CQC’s website. Anyone can peruse a clinic’s specific report to gauge the quality of its services. Ours can be found here.
Measures Against Non-adherence
The CQC is poised to take necessary steps, ranging from issuing improvement notices to legal action when clinical services fall short of core standards.
Commitment to Continuous Learning and Excellence
Over the last two years alone, the dedicated team at Rejuvenating Solutions has undergone upwards of 30 mini-courses, all mandated by the CQC. These courses span many essential topics, from life support and duty of care to data protection and infection control. This rigorous training ensures that our team is up-to-date with the latest medical practices and equipped to provide the highest standard of care to our patients.
Championing Best Practices
By highlighting and disseminating exemplary practices, the CQC inspires clinics and their teams to pursue excellence.
Safeguarding Patients
With the CQC’s oversight, patients are protected from any potential mistreatment during their care. The CQC also ensures the rights of vulnerable individuals are upheld, especially under the Mental Health Act.
Fostering Innovation
The CQC encourages a culture of perpetual learning and innovation amongst clinics to enhance patient care results.
Public Enlightenment
The CQC urges clinics to prominently display their ratings, enhancing transparency and informing the public. Our ratings are below.
Customised Assistance
The CQC offers advice and resources to providers such as us, aiding them in understanding and meeting the stipulated standards, subsequently enabling clinics to offer superior care to their patients.
CQC Regulations Note
To be clear, we are regulated, not ‘approved’, ‘endorsed’, or ‘accredited’ by the CQC, as you may see some clinics wrongly state. The CQC regulate care providers, that’s it. They do not provide endorsements.